
    2019-08-29 19:27:07 來源:園藝學院          浏覽數:0


所屬學科:果樹學; 研究方向:果樹育種與逆境生理


2014 1 2至今:青島農業大學,副教授


20069–20127 月:中國農業大學,獲農學博士學位

20029 -20067月:中國農業大學, 獲農學學士學位


主要從事果樹育種及逆境相關研究工作,建立秋子梨遺傳轉化體系并借助此體系進行抗逆關鍵基因的功能驗證,以期解析梨樹響應非生物脅迫的分子機制,為梨砧木抗性育種提供基因儲備;針對果樹童期較長問題,開展梨樹童期調控機理研究,以期加速育種進程。plant Cell, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Scientia Horticulturae, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. BMC Genomics, Plant Molecular Biology等學術刊物上發表研究論文十餘篇,授權發明專利1項,參編教材1部。





4國家自然基金青年項目,31401864,影響大白菜可溶性糖積累的關鍵酶基因的篩選與鑒定,2015/01-2017/1224萬元、 參加

5、國家自然基金青年項目31401832,我國梨野生種質的資源多樣性及譜系地理學研究 2015/01-2017/1223萬元、參加



8、科技部項目,早中熟優質多抗蘋果、梨新品種、砧木選育研究, 2013/01-2017/128萬元,參加


10、山東省科技廳項目,山東省農業良種工程,蘋果新品種和抗性砧木選育,2013-2015, 100萬元,參加


1. 山梨B-box基因PuBBX24表達特性及其在童期調控中的功能分析. 王日紅,宋敏燕,王然,楊英傑*. 園藝學報,2019.

2. Yingjie Yang, Manna Huang, Liying Qi, Jiankun Song, Qianqian Li, Ran Wang*.Differential expression analysis of genes related to graft union healing in Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim by cDNA-AFLP. Scientia Horticulturae, 225: 700-706, 2017.

3. Yingjie Yang, Defen Wang, Chuansen Wang, Xinhui Wang, Jiannan Li , Ran Wang* Construction of high efficiency regeneration and transformation systems of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 131 (1) : 139-150, 2017.

4. Zhiyan Zou, Rihong Wang, Ran Wang, Shaolan Yang, Yingjie Yang*. Genome-wide identification, phylogenetic analysis,and expression profiling of the BBX family genes in pear. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 1-14, 2017.

5. Yingjie Yang, Chao Ma, Yanjie Xu, Qian Wei, Muhammad Imtiaz, Haibo Lan, Shan Gao, Lina Cheng, Meiyan Wang, Zhangjun Fei, Bo Hong, Junping Gao*. A Zinc Finger Protein Controls Flowering Time and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Chrysanthemum by Modulating Gibberellins Biosynthesis. The Plant Cell, 26, 2038-2054, 2014.

6. Yanjie Xu, Shan Gao, Yingjie YangEqual contributors, 并列第一作者, Mingyun Huang, Lina Cheng, Qian Wei, Zhangjun Fei,Junping Gao and Bo Hong*. Transcriptome sequencing and whole genome expression profiling of chrysanthemum under dehydration stress. BMC Genomics, 14, 662-672, 2013.

7. 楊英傑, 李春水, 張曉嬌, 魏倩, 高俊平, 洪波*. AtDREB1A基因菊花雜交後代優株水分脅迫耐性分析. 農業生物技術學報21(2), 148-157, 2013.

8. 楊英傑, 葛蓓孛, 魏倩, 高俊平, 洪波*. 秋水仙素誘導細葉百合多倍體的研究. 中國農業大學學報,18(1),128-133, 2013.

9. Muhammad Imtiaz, Yingjie Yang, Ruixue Liu, Yanjie Xu, Muhammad Ali Khan, Qian Wei, Junping Gao, Bo Hong*. Identification and functional characterization of the BBX24 promoter and gene from chrysanthemum in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol, 2015.

10. Zheng Tong, Qiuhua Li, Yingjie Yang, Fanwei Dai, Junping Gao, Bo Hong*.Isolation and expression analysis of LoPIP2, a lily (Lilium Oriental Hybrids) aquaporin gene involved in desiccation-induced anther dehiscence. Scientia Horticulturae, 164(17), 316–322, 2013.

11. 魏倩, 李超, 楊英傑, 徐彥傑, 高俊平. 洪波‘神馬’菊花DREB1A 基因的分離及同源遺傳轉化。植物生理學報, 2011,第2期,153-159

12. Chao Ma, Bo Hong, Ting Wang, Yingjie Yang, Zheng Tong, Zhirui Zuo, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, Junping Gao. DREB1A regulon expression in rd29A:DREB1A transgenic chrysanthemum under low temperature or dehydration stress. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2010, 85 (6): 503–510

13. Bo Hong, Chao Ma, Yingjie Yang, Ting Wang, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, Junping Gao. Over-expression of AtDREB1A in chrysanthemum enhances tolerance to heat stress. Plant Molecular Biology, 2009, 70:231–240

14. Zheng Tong, Bo Hong, Yingjie Yang, Qiuhua Li, Nan Ma, Chao Ma, Junping Gao. Overexpression of two chrysanthemum DgDREB1 group genes causing delayed flowering or dwarfism in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology, 2009, 71:115–129

15. 李邱華, 洪波, 仝征, 楊英傑, 馬超, 于靜娟, 高俊平. 新鐵炮百合遺傳轉化體系的建立及Zm401基因的導入。農業生物技術學報,2008, 16 (1): 96 102


楊英傑,王然,賀玉娟,葛孟清。 一種模式拟南芥的嫁接方法,專利号ZL201610075067.02019

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