
    2019-08-27 22:22:22 來源:園藝學院          浏覽數:0




E-mail: zheng.xiao.d@163.com




20142/09-2018/01, 中國農業大學果樹專業學習博士學位






  1. 果樹逆境與分子生物學

  2. 果樹遺傳改良與生物技術



    果樹育種學》課程。New phytologist(一區)Journal of pineal research(一區)、Frontiers in plant science等雜志發表SCI文章10獲青島農業大學四層次引進人才稱号。



  1. 青島農業大學人才引進啟動基金 2019-2024

  2. 珠眉海棠中MAPK級聯通路”磷酸化“轉錄因子MzWRKY6”調控鹽脅迫響應的分子機制 國家自然基金面上項目 2018-2022

  3. miR156靶向SPL26負調控蘋果矮化砧木不定根發生的機制解析 國家自然基金青年基金項目 2019-2022

  4. MdSBP21調控下遊關鍵基因參與蘋果鹽脅迫響應的分子機制 國家自然基金青年基金項目 2019-2022




  1. Xiaodong Zheng, Yu Zhao, Dongqian Shan, Kun Shi, Lin Wang, Qingtian Li, Na Wang, Jingzhe Zhou, Junzhu Yao, Yuan Xue, Shuang Fang, Jinfang Chu, Yan Guo, Jin Kong*. MdWRKY9 overexpression confers intensive dwarfing in the M26 rootstock by directly inhibiting brassinosteroid synthetase MdDWF4 expression. New phytologist, 2018, 217(3): 1086-1098.

  2. Xiaodong Zheng, Dun X. Tan, Andrew C. Allan, Bixiao Zuo, Yu Zhao, Russel J. Reiter, Lin Wang, Zhi Wang, Yan Guo, Jingzhe Zhou, Dongqian Shan, Qingtian Li, Zhenhai Han, Jin Kong*. Chloroplastic biosynthesis of melatonin and its involvement in protection of plants from salt stress. Scientific reports, 2017, 7:41236.

  3. Bixiao Zuo#, Xiaodong Zheng#, Pingli He, Lin Wang, Qiong Lei, Chao Feng, Jingzhe Zhou, Qingtian Li, Zhenhai Han, Jin Kong*. Overexpression of MzASMT improves melatonin production and enhances drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Journal of pineal research, 2014, 57(4):408–417.

  4. Xiaodong Zheng, Jingzhe Zhou, Dun-Xian Tan, Na Wang, Lin Wang, Dongqian Shan, Jin Kong*. Melatonin improves waterlogging tolerance of Malus baccata (Linn.) Borkh. seedlings by maintaining aerobic respiration, photosynthesis and ROS migration. Frontiers in plant science, 2017, 5;8:483.

  5. Dun-Xian Tan, Xiaodong Zheng, Jin Kong, Lucien C. Manchester, Ruediger Hardeland, Seok Joong Kim, Xiaoying Xu, Russel J. Reiter*. Fundamental issues related to the origin of melatonin and melatonin isomers during evolution: relation to their biological functions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(9), 15858-15890.

  6. Lin Wang, Chao Feng, Xiaodong Zheng, Yan Guo, Fangfang Zhou, Dongqian Shan, Xuan Liu, Jin Kong*. Plant mitochondria synthesize melatonin and enhance the tolerance of plants to drought stress. Journal of pineal research. 2017, 63(3). doi: 10.1111/jpi.12429.

  7. Qiong Lei, Lin Wang, Dun-Xian Tan, Yu Zhao, Xiao-Dong Zheng, Hao Chen, Qing-tian Li, Bi-xiao Zuo, Jin Kong*. Identification of genes for melatonin synthetic enzymes in ‘Red Fuji’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.cv.Red) and their expression and melatonin production during fruit development. Journal of pineal research. 2013, 55(4):443–451.

  8. Lin Wang, Qingtian Li, Qiong Lei, Chao Feng, Xiaodong Zheng, Fangfang Zhou, Lingzi Li, Xuan Liu, Zhi Wang, Jin Kong*. Ectopically expressing MdPIP1;3, an aquaporin gene, increased fruit size and enhanced drought tolerance of transgenic tomatoes. BMC Plant Biology. 2017, 17(1):246.

  9. Lin Wang, Qingtian Li, Qiong Lei, Chao Feng, Yinan Gao, Xiaodong Zheng, Yu Zhao, Zhi Wang, Jin Kong*. MzPIP2;1: an aquaporin involved in radial water movement in both water uptake and transportation, altered the drought and salt tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis. PLoS One. 2015, 10(11):e0142446.

  10. Haixia Zhang, Xuan Liu, Ting Chen, Yazhen Ji, Kun Shi, Lin Wang, Xiaodong Zheng, Jin Kong*. Melatonin in apples and juice: inhibition of browning and microorganism growth in apple juice. Molecules. 2018, 23, 521; doi:10.3390/molecules23030521




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