
時間:2023-04-03 12:35:38 來源:園藝學院












長期從事農産品質量安全風險評估、果園土壤污染與控制、農藥生态毒理等研究。迄今已在Journal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironment PollutionChemosphere等國際權威期刊發表學術論文逾20篇,以第一作者或共同第一作者發表論文11篇,累積影響因子99.943,發表論文總引用次數達367次(截止2023.03)。目前擔任國際學術期刊Eco-Environment & Health青年編委。


1. 蚯蚓腸道微生物介導下手性殺菌劑己唑醇對映體的選擇性降解機制,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,2023.01-2025.12主持

2. 青島農業大學高層次人才引進項目,2022.09-2027.09,主持

3. 蚯蚓-土壤微生物對手性殺菌劑抑黴唑的選擇性降解的協同作用機制,山東省博士後創新項目二等資助2020.07-2021.08,主持

4. 蚯蚓-土壤微生物協同作用下手性殺菌劑抑黴唑選擇性降解機制,青島市博士後應用項目2020.03-2021.08,主持

5. 猕猴桃中典型植物生長調節劑對貨架期的主要影響評估,國家農産品質量安全風險評估計劃項目2021.03-2022.03,主持(第二位)

6. 核污染本底監測和跟蹤,國家農産品質量安全風險評估計劃項目2021.11-2022.11主持(第二位)

7. 抗生素抗性在殺菌劑-抗生素複合污染果蔬種植系統中的形成與傳播機制,國家自然科學基金面上項目2019.01-2022.12,參與5/9

8. 典型設施農業土壤中抗生素污染特征與抗性形成機制,浙江省自然科學基金一般項目,2018.01-2020.12,參與(2/6

9. 殺菌劑和抗生素長期複合污染土壤中微生物抗性響應機制,中央高校基本科研業務費項目,2017.01-2017.12,參與(2/6

10. 淄博煙草農藥殘留生物消除技術研究與集成示範, 企業橫向,2015.01-2017.12,參與(2/2


1. Lingxi Han, Yalei Liu, Jiyun Nie, Xiangwei You, Yiqiang Li, Xiuguo Wang *, Jun Wang, 2022. Indigenous functional microbial degradation of the chiral fungicide mandipropamid in repeatedly treated soils: Preferential changes in the R-enantiomer. Journal of Hazardous Materials (JCRQ1區,IF2021=14.224)

2. Lingxi Han#, Tong Liu#, Kuan Fang, Xianxu Li, Xiangwei You, Yiqiang Li, Xiuguo Wang*, Jun Wang*, 2022. Indigenous functional microbial communities for the preferential degradation of chloroacetamide herbicide S-enantiomers in soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials (JCRQ1區,IF2021=14.224)

3. Lingxi Han, Kuan Fang, Yalei Liu, Jianwei Fang, Fenglong Wang, Xiuguo Wang*, 2021. Earthworms accelerated the degradation of the highly toxic acetochlor S-enantiomer by stimulating soil microbiota in repeatedly treated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials (JCRQ1區,IF2021=14.224)

4. Lingxi Han, Min Xu, Xiabing Kong, Xiaoli Liu, Qianwen Wang, Guilan Chen, Kun Xu, Jiyun Nie*, 2022. Deciphering the diversity, composition, function, and network complexity of the soil microbial community after repeated exposure to a fungicide boscalid. Environmental Pollution (JCRQ1區,IF2021=9.998)

5. Lingxi Han, Xiabing Kong, Min Xu, Jiyun Nie*, 2021. Repeated exposure to fungicide tebuconazole alters the degradation characteristics, soil microbial community and functional profiles. Environmental Pollution (JCRQ1區,IF2021=9.998)

6. Kuan Fang#, Lingxi Han#, Yalei Liu, Jianwei Fang, Xiuguo Wang, Tong Liu, 2021. Enantioselective bioaccumulation and detoxification mechanisms of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) exposed to mandipropamid. Science of the Total Environment (JCRQ1區,IF2021=10.753)

7. Lingxi Han, Yalei Liu, Kuan Fang, Xiaolian Zhang, Tong Liu, Fenglong Wang, Xiuguo Wang*, 2020. Azoxystrobin dissipation and its effect on soil microbial community structure and function in the presence of chlorothalonil, chlortetracycline and ciprofloxacin. Environmental Pollution (JCRQ1區,IF2020=8.071)

8. Lingxi Han, Yalei Liu, Kuan Fang, Xiaolian Zhang, Tong Liu, Fenglong Wang*, Xiuguo Wang*, 2020. Dissipation of chlorothalonil in the presence of chlortetracycline and ciprofloxacin and their combined effects on soil enzyme activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (JCRQ1區,IF2020=4.223)

9. Lingxi Han, Houpu Zhang, Zhengnan Long, Qiqing Ge, Jiajia Mei, Yunlong Yu, Hua Fang*, 2019. Exploring microbial community structure and biological function in manured soil during ten repeated treatments with chlortetracycline and ciprofloxacin. Chemosphere (JCRQ1區,IF2019=5.778)

10. Lingxi Han#, Lin Cai#, Houpu Zhang, Zhengnan Long, Yunlong Yu, Hua Fang*, 2019. Development of antibiotic resistance genes in soils with ten successive treatments of chlortetracycline and ciprofloxacin. Environmental Pollution (JCRQ1區,IF2019=6.793)

11. Lingxi Han, Qiqing Ge, Jiajia Mei, Yanli Cui, Yongfei Xue, Yunlong Yu, Hua Fang*, 2019. Adsorption and desorption of carbendazim and thiamethoxam in five different agricultural soils. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (JCRQ3區,IF2019=1.657)

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